From Tee to Victory

It was a warm 89-degree Spring afternoon at the Palo Duro Creek Golf Course located in Canyon, Texas when Scott White got a hole in one! It was at the Canyon Lions Club Classic and it was sponsored by our partners at Whiteface Ford in Hereford, TX.
The hole in one for a brand new Ford Escape was set at hole number 5 at a 165 yards par 3. When Scott approached hole number 5, he used his 7 iron to tee off. The ball went up in the air, it was heading to the right of the flag but then curved and landed to the left. When it landed on the green the ball rolled and disappeared! With one swing Scott became this tournament’s hole in one winner!
There were 216 golfers that day and Scott was the lucky winner that day! The Lions International Club is an international service organization that was established originally in 1917 in Chicago, Illinois. The club’s mission is to join together to improve their communities, improve health and wellbeing, and support those in need through encouraging peace and international understanding.
Everyone here at the Auto Dealers Hole in One Program want to thank Whiteface Ford for generously sponsoring this huge event!