'Crusade for a Cure' turns into Crusade for a CAR
While playing at the Crusade for a Cure golf tournament on a beautiful day in September, Shannon Smith got up to hole #3 at 172 yards. He first grabbed his 8 iron, then changed his mind and grabbed his 7 iron. Good thing for Shannon, looks like his 7 iron was the lucky one!
The shot was a straight shot to the hole, bounced before the hole, then went straight in. Great thing about this shot and hole in one, it was a main prize hole! Shannon was the winner of $25,000 towards the purchase of a brand new vehicle!
Our partners at Mike Molstead Motors in Charles City Iowa sponsored the hole in one contest for this tournament. They are always happy to help in their community, and good with great causes like Crusade for a Cure – AFTD Tournament.
The Crusade for a Cure Golf tournament benefitting AFTD, has raised $50,000 in the past 6 years. AFTD is the most common dementia for those under 60. Deb Scharper started the golf outing after her husband was diagnosed at age 44. All the money raised has gone to researching this debilitating disease.