Booster Club Supporter Did NOT Expect to Win a New Car

Congratulations to our skilled hole in one winner Joseph Vavra, and thank you Doan Ford for sponsoring the Jets Booster Club Golf Scramble hosted at the Belmont Hills Country Club. Doan Ford is a big supporter of the Union Local Booster Club, which supplies funds to families in need throughout their school district!
Joseph was joined by the principal of Union Local High School and some of his coworkers for this charitable event! The weather turned around as it started as a rainy morning but ended up drying out just in time for the scramble. Doan Ford generously sponsoring hole 2, standing at 172 yards, this hole featured a brand-new Ford EcoSport.
Using his 7 iron, Joseph took a majestic shot towards the hole. There was a pond just left of the green, the green being sloped towards the pond, Joseph’s ball took high trajectory and landed just right behind the pin and rolled back into the hole, this making him our hole in one winner!
Joseph has been playing golf for about 20 years now and continues to get out on the greens as often as he can! He mentioned that he’s played at the Belmont Hills Country Club at least 10 times prior to this tournament but was thrilled because he’s never landed even close to the green on this hole before this event!
Joseph states he couldn’t imagine a better tournament to be apart of next year! Thank you again Doan Ford for your continued generosity!